2013 has been one of the biggest years for the video games industry. We finally saw the release of the PS4 and Xbox One, GTA V smashed sales records like they were wet tissue paper and the high street was saved when GAME crawled back from the brink of going under.

Here are the top ten video games (at retail) in the UK for 2013:

1. Grand Theft Auto V

GTA V smashed almost every video game sales record this year. Sadly the first transaction for had barely been completed before someone started complaining that video games cause violence in children. Funny how those who make them arguments never say that Minecraft can increase creativity or that games with in-game currency can help with numeracy and fiscal responsibility.


2. FIFA 14

As expected this year’s annual FIFA placed comfortable in the top five. It’s an institution now, I won’t be surprised when it places similarly in the 2014 list.

3. Call of Duty: Ghosts

As expected this year’s annual Call of Duty placed comfortable in the top five. It’s an institution now, I won’t be surprised when it places similarly in the 2014 list.

4. Tomb Raider

Lara Croft’s latest title caused quite a storm when it arrived earlier this year. Cries of sexism went out, saying Lara was objectified and that she was treated differently to male protagonists. Of course this was replied with the loud call of “men are treated as objects too”, by idiots. It doesn’t matter that both genders are objectified in video games, what matters is it happens. Shall we pack it in?

5. The Last of Us

This emotional roller-coaster of a PS3 exclusive filled video games journalism headlines for months either side of its release date. If you haven’t played it yet you’re missing out, it’s a must play for the story alone.


6. Pokemon X/Y

Another Pokemon generation landed this year. Filled with new Pokemon to find and capture, this classic series lives on. Though I’ve been capturing Pokemon for long enough to deserve a skip tutorial button.

7. Minecraft (Xbox 360 Retail)

Minecraft is one of the shiniest gems in the crown of gaming. Spawn, punch trees, collect wood, make pickaxe, mine stone, make better pickaxe, build stone house. Eat, sleep, mine, repeat.


8. FIFA 13

Even with this year’s FIFA in the charts, last year’s outing has managed to cling on to the edge of this year’s top ten cliff. It won’t be here in twelve months.

9. Call of Duty: Black Ops II

Even with this year’s Call of Duty in the charts, last year’s outing has managed to cling on to the edge of this year’s top ten cliff. It won’t be here in twelve months.

10. Battlefield 4

I think the only reason BF4 is so low in this chart is the fact that a lot of its sales are digitally. It’s certainly popular enough to place higher.

2013 has been a great year for gaming. There’s some great things coming next year. I’m looking forward to Thief in particular, what about you? Let us know in the comments.

2 thought on “2013 re:View: The UK’s Bestselling Video Games”
  1. […] 2013 re:View: The UK's Bestselling Video Games 2013 has been one of the biggest years for the video games industry. We finally saw the release of the PS4 and Xbox One, GTA V smashed sales records like they were wet tissue paper and the high street was saved when GAME crawled back from the brink … Read more on The Linc […]

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