The University of Lincoln Students’ Union (SU) will remain members of the National Union of Students (NUS) after a referendum among SU members this week.

It reverses a decision made in a previous referendum back in May where students voted to leave the nationwide students’ body.



Turnout: 1767 (13.6%)

Yes/stay affiliated: 1302 (10.02%)

No/leave the NUS: 437 (3.36%)

Spoilt ballots:  28

Sammi Storey, SU president said: “Throughout this debate it has been clear that the majority of our members who wanted to remain part of NUS did so because they believed that being part of a wider movement of Students’ Unions is vital to lobby the government on academic issues that affect our members and ensure Lincoln has a national voice.

“However, they are also clear that NUS needs to change to listen to Students and work with Students’ Unions to become more relevant and to focus on issues that are important to our members.

“The majority of our members want us to be part of NUS and be an integral part of ensuring that this change happens.”

Richard Brooks, NUS vice president (union development), said: “We are absolutely delighted to welcome the University of Lincoln Students’ Union back to their national union and it’s great to see students want to be part of NUS.

“We understand that this is not a vote for the status quo, but the opportunity for the students’ union to lead the way in reclaiming NUS.

“We are listening to students’ concerns, we are changing and I look forward to working with Lincoln students to build a better, stronger national students’ union.”

The SU confirmed it is the view of the returning officer (Mr Chris Bateman) for this referendum that it will not be permitted Union resources to be spent on holding another NUS referendum in this academic year.

The SU said in a statement: “In accordance with ULSU’s By-laws our 10% quoracy level (1299) was met and as such this is a binding motion.”

Sammi Storey will now inform the NUS of the decision and will withdraw from the process of disaffiliation which would have taken place on December 31 this year.


Total number of votes: 1734 (12.6% of members)

Yes/stay affiliated: 804

No/leave the NUS: 881

Spoilt votes: 49

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