The elected leaders of the University of Lincoln Students’ Union (SU) attended the National Union of Students (NUS) Zones conference last week to “help shape the future of NUS”.


It was the first time the student leaders had attended the NUS conference since a second campus-wide referendum last month determined which resulted in the SU withdrawing their application to leave the NUS at the end of 2016.

At the conference discussions took place regarding the very public criticisms and allegations the NUS and its president Malia Bouattia have faced about anti-Semitism.

Will Fry, SU vice president activities said: “It was pleasing that for for the first time at an NUS event we felt we could really lead the session and not have to hide our voices.”

John-Paul Dickie, vice president academic affairs was also positive about the conference. He said: “It was good to see the positive steps NUS is making in terms of re-aligning its policy and structure to be more inclusive of its membership.”

However he stressed further action needed to be taken “throughout the year”.

In a statement the SU said the student leaders “believed they benefited from attending the conference” and hope to help shape the future of the NUS.