Another demonstration against the proposed rise in tuition fees will be taking place in Lincoln on Wednesday, December 8th.

Pupils from local schools and colleges will march alongside students from the University of Lincoln, to protest against rising tuition fees. The demonstration has been organised by Socialist Students Lincoln. 

The demonstration was due to start at Speaker’s Corner in the High Street. However, students will now assemble at 1pm on Grantham Street, near Danesgate House, because a farmers’ market is happening near the orignal location. They will then march to the university’s Brayford campus.

In a press release, Jack Dobson, communications officer of Socialist Students Lincoln, said: “We hope that tomorrow will be seen by Lincoln students as our opportunity to voice our outrage at this despicable attack on students.

“While members of the current government were able to get a free university education, they now expect the future of this country to fund it themselves … On Thursday, December 9th, we will see possibly the biggest student movement in Britain ever, and Lincoln will play a part in that.”

The NUS has called for a National Day of Action on Wednesday, ahead of the UK parliament vote on tuition fee rises on Thursday, December 9th.

A national lobby of parliament is due to take place in London on Thursday, 9th December, in a bid to persuade MPs to vote against an increase in tuition fees.

Chris Charnley, president of Lincoln’s Students’ Union, is urging students and staff from the university to set up meetings with their local MPs on Thursday, to lobby against the rise in tuition fees.

The SU has organised coach travel to and from from London, free of charge, for those wishing to take part in this “landmark day”.

Students and staff who can confirm a meeting with their MP will be given priority, but other students wishing to join the event will allocated the remaining seats on a first-come first served basis.

Karl McCartney, Lincoln’s Tory MP, has said he supports the coalition’s plans for higher education.

Those wishing to travel to London on Thursday should email Chris Charnley at leaving contact information, home postcode, and name and details of the MP they have secured a meeting with, before midday on Wednesday.

Those who have a seat will receive an email with further information on Thursday.

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