In the latest edition of ‘What’s Just Happened?’ Deputy News Editor Oliver Pridmore takes you through all the events from last night’s Students’ Union Election Results Night.
What’s just happened?
It was an emotionally-charged evening last night at the Tower Bar with surprises, re-elections and results as your Students’ Union representatives for 2018/19 were announced.

Who was elected President?
Kudzai Muzangaza was re-elected as SU president, facing off competition from Justice Ogbaburu, with the biggest majority since 2014.
In a speech following the announcement of the result, Kudzai said: “One thing I’ve definitely learnt this week is that as a body of students we have come on leaps and bounds and I am so very very proud.”
In an interview with The Linc this week, Kudzai re-affirmed his commitment to striking a balance between freedom of speech and student safety. He also said, in terms of communication, that he wanted to be more direct with students and said one of his priorities would be working closer with the NUS to improve student life at the University of Lincoln.
Who was elected VP Welfare and Community?
The contest for VP Welfare and Community ran for two rounds, eventually producing Grace Corn as your new VP in this area.
She faced off competition from Lauren Pincher, as well as the former VP Welfare and Community Connor Delany. In a speech following the announcement, Grace said: “Thank you everyone that voted for me. Thanks to my amazing team, all my friends. I can’t wait for next year, I’m so excited.”
Grace re-affirmed to The Linc this week her manifesto commitments to deliver permanent STI testing on campus, an online chat for mental health support and a more environmentally conscious campus.
Who was elected VP Academic Affairs?
Tommy George was re-elected as VP Academic Affairs in the first round of voting with 2,000 votes, significantly breaking the required threshold of 1,582.5.
Following the announcement, Luke Exton, former VP Activities who hosted last night’s event, joked that in Tommy’s campaign posters his hair resembled an iced gem. With that in mind, Tommy was handed an iced gem hat which he wore whilst delivering his speech.
Tommy said: “Thank you very much to everyone who voted, we are going to have a fantastic year.”
Tommy told The Linc this week that his biggest focus if re-elected would be digital tools in terms of making them more accessible to everyone at the University of Lincoln.
Who was elected VP Activities?
The contest for VP Activities ran all the way to a fourth round in which Cassandra Coakley was elected.
Cassandra said, following the result: “We knew it would be close but wow. Honestly thank you so so much everyone who voted and thank you so much to my team. I love this SU so thank you so much.”
Cassandra told The Linc this week that she wanted to make sure all clubs and societies had the same opportunities, no matter their size or popularity. She also said she wanted to create a channel where live sport and societies events could be broadcast so that people can watch them in SU venues or in their accommodation.
Who was elected VP International?
In the first round of this contest, Sophia Liu was re-elected as VP International gaining 1,589 votes.
In a speech following the result, Sophia said: “Thank you everyone that voted for me. I will do an amazing job for you next year.”
Sophia said in her manifesto that she wanted to introduce free airport pick-up for international students and also said she wanted to create more activities for them.
Who has been elected as NUS Delegates?
Representing University of Lincoln students at the National Union of Students’ conferences will be Kudzai Muzangaza, who is entitled to one of the four delegate positions as SU President.
Also representing you will be the VP Welfare and Community, Grace Corn; the former VP Welfare and Community, Connor Delany and the VP International, Sophia Liu.
What happens now?
The new students leaders will officially take over at the start of the next academic year.
In the closing speech of the evening, re-elected SU President Kudzai Muzangaza said:
“It’s a very stressful week it’s a very tiring week but it’s worth it. I have a very good team to work with, I look forward to next year and I think we’ll have a very good foundation from next year on which to work with. We will try our best and we will make sure ever student feels part of a network which advocates for them.”
And, in an exclusive Facebook Live interview with The Linc following the closing of the night, Kudzai said:
“It’s really reassuring seeing the mandate I’ve managed to acquire, seeing the team that I’ve got behind me and the support that I’ve had tonight. We have a fantastic year ahead of us, we really do, I’m really excited.”